Introduction to Computer

In the modern era, computers are an essential part of our everyday existence. That means computers are present in almost every field, making our day-to-day tasks easier and faster. Nowadays, computers can be seen in banks, shops, schools, hospitals, railways, and many more places, including our home. As they are such an essential part of our lives, we must know about the basic computer introduction. Let us start with defining the computer first:

What is a Computer?

The straightforward meaning of a computer is a machine that can calculate. However, modern computers are not just a calculating device anymore. They can perform a variety of tasks. In simple terms, a computer is a programmable electronic machine used to store, retrieve, and process data.

According to the definition, "A computer is a programmable electronic device that takes data, perform instructed arithmetic and logical operations, and gives the output."

Whatever is given to the computer as input is called 'data', while the output received after processing is called '